Friday, August 12, 2011

Update on Dad ....

Sorry to have taken so long with the update on dad … but I’ve been a tad bit emotional lately. Mix that up with work and I have just been flat out exhausted. Dad went and saw his cancer doctor earlier this week where we received some pretty good news. His doctor believes that dad does not need chemo and that we can treat his cancer with a new form of medicine. It is a serious of shots that only takes 12 weeks and the side effects are a lot less mild than chemo and less mild than the treatment he had the last time he had cancer. He had a brain scan to make sure that the cancer had not spread to his brain, since this type of cancer typically spreads there. He had a brain scan a few months ago when he finished his previous treatments and it came back negative so we are hoping for the same results.
It has been so incredibly hard to not jump on the first available plane and go home. I feel so bad not being there for my dad and the rest of the family. In some ways it feels as though I’m letting them down by not being there. The only thing that makes me feel better is that my sister isn’t working right now and she has been there to help out. If she was working, I would undoubtedly be on my way home right now.
Yesterday I got another email from my sister (she has been my link to let me know what is going on at home) saying that dad had a blood clot in his lungs and is in the hospital again. I thought I was ready to go home before, not its taking everything I have to not book a flight home. The only reason I’m not is because dad doesn’t want me to rush home. The doctors say that the blood clot is no big deal, and that once it is gone, he can go home and will just have to be put on some new medication. What an emotional roller coaster, right? Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. I’ll keep the updates coming as I get them … Until next time …

1 comment:

  1. You are where you are supposed to be right now. Remember all of your preparation and prayer that went in to your decision to do this. That always would help me when I wasn't sure what to do. Prayers are still with you guys. Thanks for the updates. Love and miss ya!
